Somewhere in Samoa, A Native Rejoices.
I could always tell it was March when we lived in Boston. Fresh mangos returned to the Haymarket. The chess players returned to Au Bon Pain. The EuroWannabeHipsterFreshmen took their lattes onto the Harvard greens.
And, perhaps most importantly, the return of the Girl Scout Cookies. For the last 5 years I have purchased Girl Scout Cookies in the bowels of the MBTA transit system. Dark transactions in seedy corners, handing crumpled bills to middle aged women surrounded by boxes. Usually nary an actual Scout in sight. I marveled at how far the Girl Scouts had come... building a vast cookie empire without the involvment of any Girl Scouts whatsoever. It now appeared as though the Girl Scouts had successfully abandoned the door to door cookie canvassing in favor of around the clock subway station kiosks, staffed by moms and troop leaders. A brilliant strategy, perhaps conceived by the little brownies themselves... I liked to imagine that somewhere in Brookline, a 9 year old was on her cell phone at Starbucks, earning a scout Badge while her mom hawked TagAlongs in the Big Dig. Now that's progress!
In Maine, confidence in humanity was briefly restored this weekend when an actual, bonafide, sash-wearing, beanie-sporting, REAL LIVE Girl Scout knocked on my door with a cookie order form.
Not only could I be motivated by seeing what my neighbors had already signed up for ("oh.... Mrs. Henderson ordered 4 boxes? Well, Mr. MarthaWho and I will take 7!"), but I could pore over the full color photographs of the delectable treats. The instant gratification of the dank subway impulse buy pales in comparison to the simple art of the traveling salesman. And what better marketing gimmick is there than an adorable 9 year old kid with a toothy smile and a long order form?
Another note about progress... Of course Mr. MarthaWho and I ordered up on our favorites -- we really love Thin Mints. But everyone who's everyone knows that The Cookie Formerly Known as Samoa is the best.
Thankfully someone at Scouting Central realized how culturally insensitive this cookie was and changed the name to Caramel Delites a few years back. Now if someone could just DO something about the pricks behind Hawaiian Punch and Brazilian bikini waxes, I think we all agree the world would be a better place.
And, perhaps most importantly, the return of the Girl Scout Cookies. For the last 5 years I have purchased Girl Scout Cookies in the bowels of the MBTA transit system. Dark transactions in seedy corners, handing crumpled bills to middle aged women surrounded by boxes. Usually nary an actual Scout in sight. I marveled at how far the Girl Scouts had come... building a vast cookie empire without the involvment of any Girl Scouts whatsoever. It now appeared as though the Girl Scouts had successfully abandoned the door to door cookie canvassing in favor of around the clock subway station kiosks, staffed by moms and troop leaders. A brilliant strategy, perhaps conceived by the little brownies themselves... I liked to imagine that somewhere in Brookline, a 9 year old was on her cell phone at Starbucks, earning a scout Badge while her mom hawked TagAlongs in the Big Dig. Now that's progress!
In Maine, confidence in humanity was briefly restored this weekend when an actual, bonafide, sash-wearing, beanie-sporting, REAL LIVE Girl Scout knocked on my door with a cookie order form.
Not only could I be motivated by seeing what my neighbors had already signed up for ("oh.... Mrs. Henderson ordered 4 boxes? Well, Mr. MarthaWho and I will take 7!"), but I could pore over the full color photographs of the delectable treats. The instant gratification of the dank subway impulse buy pales in comparison to the simple art of the traveling salesman. And what better marketing gimmick is there than an adorable 9 year old kid with a toothy smile and a long order form?
Another note about progress... Of course Mr. MarthaWho and I ordered up on our favorites -- we really love Thin Mints. But everyone who's everyone knows that The Cookie Formerly Known as Samoa is the best.
Thankfully someone at Scouting Central realized how culturally insensitive this cookie was and changed the name to Caramel Delites a few years back. Now if someone could just DO something about the pricks behind Hawaiian Punch and Brazilian bikini waxes, I think we all agree the world would be a better place.
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